SouthPole has set up a Marketing Fundraiser Wallet.
What is the Marketing Wallet for?
Coins donated to the Marketing Wallet will be used to finance marketing expenses. The majority of the donations will be spent on building and engaging with the SouthPole community.
This includes rewarding people for holding the token or to follow SouthPole on Telegram and Twitter. Some donations might be used as well to pay for listing fees. People wishing to make a larger donation are more than welcome to share their thoughts on how to spend the funds.
Why should I consider making a donation?
The funds will help to growth SouthPole in a natural way, bringing more people to the community and ultimately leading in a increasing token price.
But don’t forget, there are many more ways to support SouthPole that don’t cost any money. You can spread the idea of SouthPole with your friends and families and follow us on our socials.
Can I only donate SouthPole Tokens?
No any coin that is available on the BSC Smart Chain can be sent to the Fundraiser Wallet.
How can I make a donation?
You can send tokens you wish to donate to the following BSC address:
Please make sure you only sending tokens run on the BSC Smart Chain to the wallet.
Is there transparency on how the Donations are spent?
Yes, there is full transparency on how the funds are distributed. You can monitor the wallet on BscScan and we keep an Audit on our Website. We will as well share the latest initiatives on Telegram and Twitter.
Ongoing Campaign
Past Campaigns / Rewards Paid
Telegram Weekly Giveaway:
8th Week Pending.
The Big Bull: The biggest SouthPole Buyer will receive 100 BUSD + 25 BUSD lucky giveaway.
Biggest Transaction was 0xdd21f0cb9e80e32c3e591e98172b23dcb67281f903eb4e5cfccf006150607871
Winner received 100 BUSD Reward.
Lucky Giveaway Winner under all transaction was: 0x26b61d8746e41b31acae83788ee1d257f8be1ab56c61b38805e3dc1e186bebea
25 BUSD giveaway reward paid out.